*Warning* – this is an advanced paddle stroke and performing it incorrectly can result in a shoulder injury. This one’s for the sea kayakers in the club who want to take their skills up a notch.
The high brace is similar to the low brace in that it will help you to prevent a capsize. The high brace is used when you’re either faced with a very large wave or have almost fallen in. It can also be used in surfing. It’s a stroke sometimes used by sea kayakers and white water kayakers but you wouldn’t use it in a K1.
Unlike the low brace, you push the power face (front) of the blade against the water (rather than back of the blade). Your hands are above your elbows unlike the low brace where your elbows are above your hands. It’s very important to keep both arms bent to protect your shoulders. As with the low brace, you need to move your head down towards the bracing paddle blade as you push down with the paddle. This will help the kayak to swivel upright beneath you.
Here’s a decent video of the high brace: