Wing paddle advantages

Jackson et al. (1992) carried out a number of tests and calculated that wing paddles had an efficiency of 89% versus 75% for a standard euroblade (flat paddle). Therefore consider using a wing paddle when paddling a K1. With good technique, you will find that you use 14% less effort! Wing paddles ‘grip’ the water better with less blade ‘slip’ (rearwards movement) and also use a hydrofoil shape to generate lift like an aeroplane wing as they move laterally away from the boat.

If you’re worried about increased strain on your joints, simply use a paddle with a smaller blade area or shorter shaft (which is like changing down gears on a bike).

Ref: Jackson, P.S., Locke, N., and Brown, P. (1992) The hydrodynamics of paddle propulsion. Paper presented at the 11th Australasian Fluid Mechanics conference, Hobart, Australia.